Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 2

Slept in. Have to stop that crap.Didn't eat breakfast as a result. DID, however, walk 2 miles. In. The. Rain.


Lunch: Sandwich - deli chicken and pepperjack cheese on whole wheat bread. 1/2 tbsp olive oil mayo, and just a smidge of hot sauce.

Dinner will be leftover Jambalaya.

Oh! And did I mention that I've lost 4 pounds??



Snack - 10 Wheat Thins (original) @ 8 calories each, 2 wedges of laughing cow swiss cheese (@ 35 cal each).

In the wheat thin box, there was a sample of Crystal Light Pure Fitness. It is sweetened with "Stivia Plant" sweeteners and contains not preservatives or artificial ingredients. Also, it contains electrolytes! @ 15 calories per serving (which is only 1/2 a packet - let's face it, I'd use the whole thing without thinking), I'm going to give this a try tomorrow.


I ate a piece of cake... My sister will not let me throw it out because she and her hubs are still eating it. I will do extra well tomorrow to make up for it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 1

So I've decided to start over on my numbering each week. After my free-for-all cheat day yesterday, I feel like I'm starting over. I found myself shopping in the fridge earlier. I stopped myself and got a glass of water instead. Go me. But yes, the count starts over today.

Breakfast - I forgot to boil eggs last night, which means that I didn't eat breakfast at all. Oops.

Walked 2 miles again. Had company this time. My sister joined me. It went by a lot faster.

Early Lunch: Smoothie + protein. Sweetened with honey (real honey this time).

Ate a sandwich ~3:00. Not eating breakfast caught up to me.

Dinner: the sister wants me to make Jambalaya... hopefully I can control myself.


I really want another piece of Italian cream cake... I can eat a small piece and not go crazy. Then the rest of the cake is going to go away.


Bought new shoes yesterday. Highly recommend: Reebok Flexride.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday - CHEAT DAY!

So today is Saturday - my self-proclaimed "cheat day". Today, I slept in. I did not walk today. And I am currently baking an Italian Cream cake that I have been lusting over all week. I'm not going to do the "sugary soda" thing on my cheat day because I'd rather not get a caffeine headache tomorrow.

I'm not going to list breakfast, lunch, and dinner because, as far as I'm concerned, calories don't count on cheat day.


Ok, so my cake was uber rich. I could barely finish one piece. AND, in a fun twist - it made me sick! Who knew that only 5 days of no white sugar would lead to 1 piece of cake giving me diarrhea. Fun stuff.

In other news, I bought a new pair of running shoes today... which I intend to wear for WALKING for now. I may work up to running, but not yet.


I just finished reading Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Eat, Pray, Love'. I saw the movie a few weeks ago and downloaded a sample of it with iBooks on my iPhone. After just a few pages, I was hooked. It's a-mazing. I highly recommend it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 5

Didn't eat breakfast until after walk this a.m. - 3 hard boiled egg whites. No salt or pepper today. Didn't really miss it.

Did better at swinging/elevating my arms during my walk today. Fingers were still a little swollen, but not as bad as yesterday. I still wonder if it has anything to do with fisting my iPod while I walk. I'm going to look into getting an arm strap, regardless.

Need. New. Shoes. As soon as possible.

Looking forward to my "cheat" day tomorrow. I've decided to give myself 1 day a week where I can splurge. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to go crazy, but I DO plan to make a fabulous Italian Cream Cake that I've been lusting over for the last few days. Seriously, I've been looking at pictures of it in anticipation. Food porn. Hey, I've been able to resist the bowl of candy upstairs all weak because I know something delicious is coming tomorrow.

I really need to stop watching Food Network... Giada is making me hungry. Time to get another glass of water. This has been my way to stave off cravings for snacks. Good ol' H2O.

Lunch: Triple Berry smoothie with Curves protein powder.

I didn't add milk because we're out (I didn't miss it at all). I didn't add honey today because I realized that the honey in the cabinet is not actual honey, but instead "Honey Flavored Syrup". First ingredient - high fructose corn syrup. Great. My sister is so cheap when it comes to groceries. Instead of honey, we end up with "Honey flavored syrup" and instead of butter, we end up with "vegetable oil spread". gross. I'm going to just have to get my own fridge for real food...


I've just had a breakthrough... I got mad and DIDN'T EAT! I'm pretty proud of myself.

Dinner: While the roommates are ordering pizza, I will be having leftover spaghetti from night before last.

Oh, and I got a few workout tops... very exciting.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 4

Holy crap, my feet hurt. Where's the Ibuprofen?

Ok, I had to get that out. Moving on...

Breakfast: 2 egg whites (hard boiled) with salt and pepper

Went for another 2 mile walk. My fingers were swollen afterward, which alarmed me at first, but a little info from Dr. Internet tells me that it could be because of the salt on my eggs, because of the heat, or because I was holding my iPod in the same hand the whole time while not swinging my arms enough... basically my form today was terrible.

Lunch will be a smoothie (home made today, not smoothie king) with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, yogurt and 2% milk. I'm looking into making smoothies with tofu for some protein, but today I'll probably just add some protein powder or maybe some of my bro-in-law's whey powder - depending on which is in the cabinet.

Last night's planned "whole grain pasta" spaghetti with ground bison in natural sauce wasn't bad at all... after I scrapped the nasty, coagulated glob of pasta goo and started over with another batch of good ol' semolina pasta... I'm pretty sure it was from a package that my grandmother sent us. She gets government cheese and other cheapo goodies and sends boxes of it to us. So basically, the pasta wasn't the best we could have done calorie wise, but I ran out of options when the whole grain pasta lost its mind. Whatever, things happen.


My lunch smoothie was pretty friggin good. I ended up adding protein powder that I got when I worked at Curves. It made the smoothie a bit chalky, but it was good nonetheless.

Dinner: 4 chicken tacos on corn tortillas with lettuce, cheese, taco sauce and sour cream. I could have stopped after the 3rd one, but it was SO good! I'm working on portion control. It's just taking time.

I think I need to buy a scale. I need to be able to keep up with my weight. At the same time, I'm hesitant because I know me. I will weigh every day - possibly several times a day - and get frustrated when I don't see instant results. We'll see. I'd like to be able to discipline myself to only weigh weekly, but I don't know if I can do that...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 3

Well, I'm off to a good start. I got up when my alarm went off and, get this, ATE BREAKFAST!

Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs - whites only. (a whopping 51 calories)

Now for activity... It's only 74 degress so far, so I think I'll go for a walk in the park after I finish this huge glass of water.

*an hour later* - I went to the park... I didn't realize how long the track was! 2 miles. It doesn't seem like much, but when your knees crunch the whole way... I hope I paced myself well enough that I won't be seriously regretting it later.


Lunch: Strawberry, Kiwi, Papaya juice, smoothie with protein powder. Sweetened with Turbinado and honey. The smoothie came from Smoothie King. I didn't realize that it was sweetened with turbinado until I looked it up later. Will opt for "skinny" next time.

Snack: colby jack cheese

Went shopping at Earth Fare. Got supplies for dinner: whole grain pasta, all natural spaghetti sauce, ground BISON!, fresh mushrooms, fresh italian bread.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2

"Before" pictures...

yes, i have blacked out my face for a reason. and that reason is shame...
oh, geez... i have back boobs.

Oh, God. I didn't realize how bad it had gotten. It's amazing how different it is to look at a picture of oneself versus the image that one sees in the mirror each morning. I knew I had gotten pretty big, I was never in denial about that. But wow. No wonder my knees hurt.

Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: Strawberry, Kiwi, Papaya, protein smoothie
Dinner: TBA

Activity: none (yes, I know that this is bad, but my city is in the hottest summer I've ever experienced and I just can't bring myself to go out and die from heat exhaustion. Plus I have class tonight and would rather not shower again today.... oh the excuses that I can come up with)

I need to start eating breakfast. I don't have to for cereal, nor do I really care for it that much. Eggs would be good, but again there's the issue of taking the time to cook them... I could hard boil a few and keep them on standby. There's a thought.

p90x - I've been doing some research on the different variations of the p90x program. There's the crazy I-am-a-professional- athlete "Classic" version, the less intense (for wimps) "Lean" version, and the "Doubles" version which I am refusing to research because "double" means twice as much and when it comes to an already difficult workout regime, no thanks.

I have found the p90x DVDs and books online for less than $40. My sister says she might be willing to split the cost with me if she and her husband can us them too. So basically, if I order the DVDs, use them once, and then never touch them again, I'm only out $20... Aren't I just the optimist today?

So, the question is still "to p90x or not to p90x?"

As for foods... I think I will go to The Fresh Market tomorrow... Or maybe Earth Fare...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 1

Day 1. I have no idea what my weight is. I haven't weighed myself in about a month. At last weigh-in, I was 276 pounds. Today I have consumed:

Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: rice crispy treat
Early dinner: ENTIRE tombstone pizza with (light) Ranch dressing (notice how I try to validate myself by noting that the ranch dressing was "light"... this is a trend that I hope to stop ASAP)


Daily Activity:

none. Does driving for 4 hours count? Probably not...



My knees crunch. A lot. My back has hurt for 2 days now. Granted I have been sleeping in the spare bed at my parents' house, but still. At 24 years old, this is ridiculous.



To P90X or not to P90X? That is the current question. For now... baby steps. Tomorrow morning, I plan to wake up at a reasonable time, go for a walk, then make myself a smoothie for breakfast.


So... this blog is going an experiment. I have decided that it is time (ok, it is past time... WAY past time) to get myself together and take better care of my body.

I'm 24 years old, 5'10", and have been overweight for most of my life. I lost weight during high school, but that was mostly by starving the life out of myself. It's shocking to look back at journals that my 17-year-old self kept. Then I went to college... and the pounds started to accumulate. And accumulate they did. I've gained around 100 pounds since my starved self in high school. That's a person!!! I've gained a person!

Now I have made the decision... Operation Skinny Jeans commences now. Let's hope it lasts longer than a week...